What is Tinnitus

The word tinnitus (tinnitus), which is sometimes called ‘head noise’, we mean the sounds coming from inside the head. For many people, the hum is a ringing in one or both ears. For you, it may be a buzzing, a hissing, clicking or humming like a sea. Tinnitus can be persistent or transient.

Are ringing in the ears a frequent problem?

Yes. Almost everyone at some point has felt for a few minutes a slight ringing or other noises in the ear. Some people have more annoying and constant types of tinnitus.

Approximately 30 million Americans consider tinnitus as a problem. A million or more people believe that tinnitus prevents them from having a normal life.

Tinnitus is a disease?

No. Just as a fever or headache may accompany many different diseases and so tinnitus can be a common symptom of many problems, either physical or psychological.

What causes tinnitus?

Very often the cause of tinnitus remains a mystery. Only when a specific factor associated with the appearance or disappearance of tinnitus we can refer with confidence to the cause. Blows to the head, large doses of certain drugs such as aspirin, anaemia, hypertension, exposure to loud noise, stress, ear plug cell and several types of tumours, are examples of the different situations that can cause tinnitus.

What happens in my head that causes tinnitus?

Although there are many theories about how sounds are produced in the brain, it is not known the exact procedure. Only one thing is certain, tinnitus is not a matter of fiction for the patient.

Does the fact that I have tinnitus in the ear mean that I will have hearing loss?

Not necessarily. Although tinnitus is a symptom, which has many of those with hearing impairment, does not mean that everyone with tinnitus ears will have hearing loss. Some people have and some do not.

Why is tinnitus worse at night?

During the day, there are distractions in your various occupations, while the sounds around you can make the tinnitus less noticeable. When the environment around you is quiet, the ringing in the ears may look stronger and longer. Your weariness can also worsen tinnitus.

What should I do for ringing in the ears?

Since tinnitus is a symptom, the first step you should do is to diagnose the root cause. You should have a medical examination with particular attention to the control of those factors usually associated with ringing in the ears-such as high blood pressure, liver function, taking certain medications or various allergies. The ears should be checked by an Otolaryngologist who will diagnose if there is hearing loss.

What is the treatment for tinnitus?

The most effective treatment for tinnitus is to treat the main cause. Unfortunately, quite often the cause can not be determined, but in some cases the tinnitus alone may require treatment. The treatment can be done with medicines, vitamins or biofeedback, hypnosis and amplification devices, which are forms of treatment that have been found very helpful for some people. The ‘self-help groups’ can share various information and strategies that will help them live with their problem.

People with a mild form of tinnitus, generally do not require treatment. If it is determined that they are not suffering from an illness or from a severe brain injury or disorder, or even that it is not hard of hearing, usually find that you can cope with ringing in the ears or even ignore them.

What are the amplification devices?

Amplification devices like hearing aids and produce sounds which ‘hide’ or obscures tinnitus. Some people prefer this kind of outside sounds and buzzing in their head. The characteristics of tinnitus, such as tone and intensity, determine the kind of noise that will be implemented. When a person has hearing loss along with tinnitus ears, amplification devices and hearing aids can work together as a ‘tool’.

As with other forms of treatment amplification devices are useful for some but not for all people.

As well as hearing aids and a detailed and careful examination by an Otolaryngologist will decide whether amplification devices really help the patient.

Hearing aid may help tinnitus?

If you have hearing loss, it is highly likely that hearing aids will help to relieve tinnitus and to enhance your hearing.

Contact an Otolaryngologist to decide whether to use the help of hearing aids. The ENT and the audiologist will help you in selecting, purchasing and installing the most appropriate for your headphones. It will also help you on how to use them most effectively.

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